18 mag 2011

Eco-toys by Alessandro Acerra

Eco-toys by Alessandro Acerra

Eco-toys by Alessandro Acerra1

Eco-toys by Alessandro Acerra1
Eco-toys by Alessandro Acerra2

Eco-toys by Alessandro Acerra2
Eco-toys by Alessandro Acerra3

Eco-toys by Alessandro Acerra3
The objective of Acerra is to control the life cycle of a product planning design objects characterized by a continuous cycle of life and closed : production, use, recycling and new production.
The result is the creation of original and funny-looking playful as the monsters HIBU .
Monsters HIBU, the attractive design, are soft and comfortable seating made of recycled fabrics or sheets generally in eco-leather hand-sewn.
The peculiarity of these furnishings is the ability to customize the padding with the material or objects that you want more.
Here then is that these sessions are transformed from mere puff or sofas in very practical containers to furnish the same time help to keep order in your home!
The monsters are able to swallow , metaphorically speaking, any object or refuse such as bottles, plastic, paper and packaging material that remains visible to the user through the lens of HIBU mouth.

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